People also ask
Why is there no add to cart button on Alibaba?
There are a few reasons why some sellers on Alibaba may not have the order button available or why you may not be able to add products to their carts. The product may not be available. If the product is out of stock, the seller may not have the option to allow buyers to add it to their carts or place an order.
Can you send your AliExpress cart to someone?
Share-A-Cart is the easiest way to share the contents of your AliExpress shopping cart with anyone else! No more moving items from cart to wishlist and backwards, simply "Send Cart" directly to your friend via a short id code.
Is AliExpress safe?
Yes, but be smart and exercise caution. Though there is a possibility of being scammed through AliExpress, there are still plenty of reliable and legitimate sellers that'll allow you to score great deals on products. Be sure to do your research and read through reviews thoroughly before making a purchase.
How many items can you have in your AliExpress cart?
You may add as many items to your cart as you like, but you can only earn up to a total of 50 coins per day.
Oct 4, 2022 · i was shopping from my new favorite shop and an error message told me to buy my items from another seller. WTH? so i took one item out of my ...
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